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Duden – German dictionary of synonyms, 4th Edition
Duden – German dictionary of synonyms, 4th Edition

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We are glad to present a new 5th Edition of the Duden - German dictionary of synonyms. The comprehensive German synonyms database contains clear mark-up, indicating the most precise language variations, thus helping you to pick up the most appropriate word for your particular situation.

Please note, that we don’t remove Duden - German dictionary of synonyms, 4th Edition to support the current users.

Illustrative, clear, and informative Duden – German dictionary of synonyms gives alternatives to phrase your ideas more precisely.

What other words stand for interessant or darstellen, erklaren, frohlich and machen? Does the word anscheinend mean the same as scheinbar? Is there any difference between selbst and selber?

All the words you look up are easy to find by the keywords, intricate system of cross-references was rejected. To make the work with the dictionary still easier, all the synonyms in the entry are arranged into groups according to their similarity with the keyword based on style, origin, correlation in temporal and professional aspect.

Dictionary details:

• Dictionary database is powered by Duden and contains over 300,000 synonyms for more than 20,000 up-to-date keywords.
• Over Helpful word usage examples (e.g. for the word Erziehungsurlaub the official prescribed synonym is Elternzeit; previously used word taubstumm corresponds to modern gehorlos).
• Alternative apt expressions for 200 idioms (e.g. the expression das A und O has several synonymous words and phrases: Brennpunkt, das Wesentliche, das Wichtigste, der springende Punkt; Dreh- und Angelpunkt, Hauptpunkt, and Hauptsache).

Search and translate features:

• Easy copy-and-paste functions copy words to the clipboard for translation.
• Contextual menu (Browsing, Morphology Module, Pronounce).
• Improved browsing capabilities through word list and Search History.
• List of similar words in case of misspelling.
• Wildcard Search if you are unsure of the exact word spelling. Use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters.

Learning features:

• Search for anagrams.
• Audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
• Flash Card Quiz enables you to add new words to flash cards and test your knowledge as many times as you wish.

Interface features:

• New! iPhone 5 support
• Enhanced customization options allow you to modify animated menus and choose background colors.
• Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort.
• Search History can be browsed through or deleted in full.
• Hyperlinks between articles and directions.
• Landscape-mode support.
• Fully iPad optimized interface.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary once and use it on your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch without any additional expense.