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Dizionario Parlante VOX Francese-Spagnolo & Spagnolo-Francese

VOX French-Spanish-French Dictionary is accurate and complete dictionary for learning languages. The dictionary contains about 30,000 entries with more than 400,000 translations and phonetic transcription of French words.

Francese Sound Module contains 39661 words.

Spagnolo Sound Module contains 20605 words.

Outstanding features of VOX dictionaries:

  • Included morphology modules for French and Spanish languages help you to translate the word in any grammatical form.
  • Sound Module enables you to listen to pronunciations of the words with live speech quality.
  • Resident module helps to find the translation of the word quickly without leaving your active application.
  • New finger-friendly interface lets you browse the dictionary with the touch of a finger.
  • Online Update - easily check for updated software versions and download to your device.
  • New method of learning words "Flash Card Quiz" enables you to add new words to flash cards and test your knowledge as many times as you wish.
  • Online dictionary catalog where you can download new dictionaries directly to your device.