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Advanced Catalan Dictionary from Enciclopèdia Catalana

The Catalan Dictionary from Enciclopèdia Catalana contains all words any user need or may need in Catalan in all spheres of their personal and professional lives.

Dictionary details:

  • 66,000 entries
  • 14,500 subentries (phrases, idioms and proverbs)
  • 134,000 definitions
  • Morphological information (models of regular and irregular verb conjugation, irregular plurals)
  • Extensive and comprehensive repertoire of common language and terminology of all scientific and technical areas
  • Prefixes and suffixes
  • Examples of use
  • Recent neologisms

Dictionary database is powered by Enciclopedia Catalana, SAU.

Dictionary Features:

  • List of similar words is displayed in case of misspelling.
  • Wildcard Search if you are unsure of the exact word spelling (use "?" and "*" symbols to replace the missing letters).
  • Flash Card Quiz enables you to add new words to flash cards and test your knowledge as many times as you wish.
  • Hyperlinks between articles and directions.
  • Search History for the last 20 entries.
  • No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary once and use it on device without any additional expenses.
  • Multilingual interface available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages.