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Pocket French-Catalan & Catalan-French Dictionary from Enciclopedia Catalana
Enciclopedia Catalana is since 1979 a key point of reference for the Catalan language and dictionary edition, for its diversity, uniqueness and quality. It has a catalog of nearly 100 titles, including monolingual dictionaries of Catalan and the main collection of bilingual dictionaries between Catalan and other languages (Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Latin, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, Hungarian, Danish, Finnish, Sanskrit, Arabic ...), as well as thematic, encyclopaedic and complementary Catalan dictionaries.

The Pocket French-Catalan & Catalan-French Dictionary from Enciclopedia Catalana for BlackBerry contains 40,000 senses, idioms and phrases.

It includes, in practical format, many examples of use, phonetic transcription of French and Catalan and much more.

Application features:

Online Update feature provides over-the-air program updates
• Dictionary database is possible to install on memory cards
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions
Search History to see the list of last 20 translations
Online dictionary catalog provides one-click access to more Enciclopedia Catalana dictionaries and possibility to download it directly to your device
Multilingual interface is available in English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages
No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary once to your device and use it with no further expense incurred