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You read and write texts, newspapers and magazines in German or Bulgarian? Or check terms during reading or creating e-mails, letters, presentations, articles?
Premium dictionary German-Bulgarian-German by PONS – developed for professionals – offers you quick help!
For whom is this App suitable?
For professional users: teachers, students, translators, engineers, jurists, informatics, doctors etc. (comprehensive vocabulary by PONS)
• Up-to-date, highly relevant vocabulary with 167.000 headwords and phrases and over 231.000 translations
• In-depth specialized vocabulary and numerous explanations for business, law, etc. contexts
• With modern specialist expressions as well as literary and colloquial language
• Includes regional language usage from Austria and Switzerland
• With clear structure and easy to use
• Two-way dictionary: Bulgarian - German and German - Bulgarian.
• All the pronunciations use the IPA
What can the App do?
• Pronunciation: Listen to numerous headwords spoken by native speakers.
• Jump from one language direction to the other with just one click: from ‘Bulgarian - German’ to ‘German - Bulgarian’ and vice versa. Access linked entries, equally with just one click.
• Search history lists the last 20 translations.
• Intuitive interface is available in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish languages.
• Online update provides over-the-air program updates.
• Online dictionary catalog provides one-click access to new dictionaries and the ability to download them directly to your smartphone.
• Also to be used with Touchscreen devices.
• Installation of dictionary database also on SD card.
• This application provides 100% offline functionality. You do not incur any roaming charges.
About PONS:
Over 30 years PONS develops green self-study materials and dictionaries for language learners. Over 500 dictionaries and self-study materials for different languages as Chinese or Hungarian help beginners or advanced learners to learn easy and fast. Discover more at www.pons.bg, www.pons.de and www.pons.eu.
PONS GmbH is a member of Klett Group. With over 60 companies at 42 places in 18 countries Klett Group is the biggest educational company in Germany.
On which devices can the App be used?
All BlackBerry Smartphones with OS version 4.2.1 and higher.
Please note! It is possible to use only original keyboard of your device to enter words for translation. There is no virtual keyboard in PONS dictionaries. So no additional input languages are available in the current version.
The number of translations in demo-version is limited. The more often you use the dictionary the more notifications about demo version you get. To save you time we’ve provided a new way of purchasing and registering PONS dictionary for BlackBerry. Now you do not need to search for the product on the web, you can purchase it directly from your device. To do this, open PONS dictionary and go to Menu->Registration->Buy.