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Langenscheidt Basic-Wörterbuch Türkisch

• Around 33,000 entries (125,000 headwords, expressions and translations)
• Translates from and into German (German<->Turkish)
• Up-to-date vocabulary
• Information on grammar and spelling variants
• For everyday use, travel and beginners

Application features:

•  Morphology module helps to look up words in any grammatical form (available for English, French, Russian and Spanish languages).
•  Audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers are available for English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages.
•  Flash Card Quiz helps you master vocabulary.
•  Wildcard Search will assist in case you are unsure of the exact word spelling. Use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters.
•  List of similarly spelt words appears in case of misspelling.
•  Hyperlinks between articles and directions.
•  Search History
•  No on-going Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary once and use it on you device without any additional expense or availability issues.

About Langenscheidt Publishing Group

The Langenscheidt Publishing Group is best known for its area of core competence: dictionaries and language learning material in various formats and on diverse media. Langenscheidt sets the highest editorial and production standards for all the products it publishes. The corporate logo, a blue "L" on a yellow background, is instantly recognized by many people all over the world.