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Talking Collins Gem Russian Dictionary

Fully revised and updated, this latest edition from Collins' bestselling Gem Dictionary range is the perfect choice for anyone needing a portable up-to-the-minute Russian dictionary.

The Collins Gem Russian Dictionary has been designed to give travellers, students, business people and the general user alike all the information they need in a handy, take-anywhere format.

Includes all the latest words reflecting changes in modern lifestyle, as well as all the features you would expect from a Collins dictionary: an easy-to-read layout, special treatment of difficult words such as can, that, of, some, and notes about life in Russia.

Also in this dictionary is a handy business language supplement, ensuring you have all the
up-to-date business vocabulary you need at your fingertips.

  • All the latest words in both languages, such as downloadable, Wi-Fi, carbon footprint, podcast
  • User-friendly business language supplement.
  • Useful tables of nouns, verbs, pronouns and numerals.
  • Helpful examples and cultural note.
  • Special treatment of difficult word.

Dictionary details:

  • Dictionary database contains over 22,000 keywords.
  • Russian sound module contains over 20,000 entries by native speakers. 
  • English sound module contains over 20,000 entries by native speakers. 
  • Comprehensive coverage of today's Russian and English.
  • Special treatment of frequently-used words.
  • Supplements on Russian pronunciation and grammar.
 Application features:
  • Audio pronunciations made by native speakers.
  • No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary once and use it on you iPhone/iPod touch without any additional expenses.
  • Hyperlinks between articles and directions.
  • Search History for the last 30 entries.
  • List of similar words in case of misspelling.
  • Morphology module to translate words in any grammatical form.
  • Wildcard Search if you are unsure of the exact word spelling. Use "?" and "*" symbols to replace the missing letters.
  • Flash Card Quiz enables you to add new words to flash cards and test your knowledge as many times as you wish.

About Paragon

Paragon Software Group is the leading developer of multi-platform software applications for smartphones and desktop computers. Since its inception in 1994, the company has strived to exceed the expectations of its global customers by translating its innovative approach, expertise and independent production capacities to all levels of its diversified product development. Our product portfolio includes over 120 Multilingual Dictionaries (for 30+ languages and all possible language pair combinations) with databases by the world's leading publishing houses such as Merriam-Webster, Oxford, Duden, PONS, Van Dale, VOX, etc.